The Mayor and City Council along with the Fairfield Bay Chamber of Commerce are pleased to announce the Fairfield Bay Safe Program. We are at the height of our tourist season and we want our visitors and citizens as well to know what businesses are COVID 19 safe.
In light of Governor Asa Hutchinson’s and the Arkansas Municipal League’s encouragement to reaffirm the need for masks to be worn, we will make it clear to all which businesses and restaurants are taking the extra step to require that masks be worn in their establishments in accordance with the Department of Health guidelines. We encourage all of our businesses and restaurants to participate and for shoppers to take notice for their health and well-being. Businesses that choose to participate are asked to post the Fairfield Bay Safe logo along with a sign stating that masks are to be worn in this establishment. We have attached the logo and a few samples of signs that you can download and print. For your convenience the Chamber has printed some of these up for you and they are available 24/7 inside the outer doors of the Visitor Center/Lions Club building. The outer doors are always open so please feel free to stop by and pick up your signs.