Free Program on Pioneer Arkansan

The Southwest Arkansas Regional Archives, a branch of the Arkansas State Archives, presents “Nicholas Trammell: His life, his legend, his road” at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, Nov. 13, at Historic Washington State Park and via Zoom.

Gary Pinkerton, author of the book Trammel’s Trace: The First Road to Texas from the North, will tell the story of Nicholas Trammell, replacing myth and legend with an incredibly interesting biography of a frontier opportunist and troublemaker.  

Trammell’s road is considered one of the earliest routes for migration toward Texas in the early 1800s and was named for Trammell, a Tennessean who made his home in Arkansas and Texas on the fringes of territorial expansion.

Those attending the event in person should follow COVID-19 protocols while inside the WPA Gymnasium, 100 SW Morrison St, Washington, AR.

Register at or to obtain the Zoom link or for more information on this free program, please contact Melissa Nesbitt at 870.983.2633 or