On April 29, Governor Hutchinson made appointments to several boards and commissions within the Arkansas Department of Agriculture. The appointments are as follows:
Arkansas Forestry Commission:
David Cawein, Bella Vista. Term Expires January 14, 2027.
Arkansas Agriculture Board
Seth Summerside, Little Rock. Term expires August 15, 2024.
Charles Metz, London. Term expires August 15, 2025.
Jammy Turner, Gillett. Term expires August 15, 2025.
Arkansas-Oklahoma Arkansas River Compact Commission
James Mardis, Rogers. Term expires February 1, 2026.
Commission on Waterwell Construction
David Washington, Calico Rock. Term expires January 14, 2023.
Michael McDermott, Weiner. Term expires January 14, 2025.
Ernie Pender, Texarkana. Term expires January 14, 2026.
David Gilbert, Mena. Term expires January 14, 2024.
Stephen Hunt, Maumelle. Term expires January 14, 2025.
Find the full list of appointments at governor.arkansas.gov/news-media/press-releases/governor-asa-hutchinson-announces-appointments-220330.
The Arkansas Department of Agriculture is dedicated to the development and implementation of policies and programs for Arkansas agriculture and forestry to keep its farmers and ranchers competitive in national and international markets while ensuring safe food, fiber, and forest products for the citizens of the state and nation. Visit www.agriculture.arkansas.gov/.