Senator Cotton Closes Washington, D.C. Office

Senator Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas) has temporarily closed his Washington, D.C. office to protect the health of his staff and to prevent the spread of the Wuhan virus. D.C. staff will continue to work from home. Senator Cotton released the statement below concerning the closure:

“The Wuhan coronavirus is a grave challenge to our great nation. My first priority is always the safety of our people. Since I first heard reports of an unknown virus spreading in central China in early January, I have endeavored to protect you and your family from this menace. From the beginning, I have heeded the counsel of Benjamin Franklin: an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. I urge every American to do the same—as individuals, in their families, and at their workplaces and schools. Together, through prudent and responsible actions, we can arrest the spread of this virus and protect the health of our nation.

Effectively immediately, therefore, I have closed my Washington, D.C. office. An aide in another Senate office has tested positive for the Wuhan coronavirus; other congressional employees are likely to test positive in the days ahead. The most sensible course of action for the public and the congressional workforce under the circumstances is for my staff to telecommute. A weeklong congressional recess begins tomorrow, so the disruption to our in-office operations will be minimal. My D.C. office will remain closed through that recess. But my staff will be available to assist you promptly by email and phone, as always. I will remain at work for legislative business while the Senate is in session, and I will continue to work around the clock to protect you and our nation.

My offices in Arkansas will remain open. Our state currently has one confirmed case of the Wuhan coronavirus; that case is travel-related. I will assess the situation in Arkansas as it develops.

We are a great people. We rise to every challenge, we vanquish every foe, and we come through adversity even better than before. I have every confidence America will once again marshal the resolve, toughness, and genius of our people to overcome the serious threat to our health and well-being posed by the Wuhan coronavirus. We will emerge stronger from this challenge, we will hold accountable those who inflicted it on the world, and we will prosper in the new day.”