Baha’i Presentation

The Faulkner County Library invites you to join a discussion and presentation about the Baha’i faith on Saturday, Oct. 21, at 2:00 PM.
A local representative of the Baha’i community will be available to answer your questions.

2017 marks the 200th anniversary of the Baha’i faith. Baha’i is one of the fastest growing world religions, with the United Nations estimating that there were 7.8 million Baha’is in the world in 2015

Leo Tolstoy, Khalil Gibran, Mohandas K. Gandhi, and Desmond Tutu are among some of the notable people who expressed interested in the religion.

For more information, please call the library at 501-327-7482, or email

All library events are free and open to the public.