Coleman Makes Candidacy for Governor Official

Arkansas businessman and Republican gubernatorial candidate Curtis Coleman filed the necessary paperwork to make his candidacy for governor official at the State Capitol in Little Rock today.

“Arkansas has the capacities, resources and people to be one of the most prosperous states in the nation,” Coleman said. “But we cannot become that prosperous people if we continue to expand the size, cost and reach of government. If Arkansans are going to succeed like they can, we must get government out of their faces, off their backs and out of their pocketbooks.”

Coleman released his four-point education plan in January. “A key to Arkansas’ prosperity is a dramatic improvement in education. We’ve got some of the best teachers in the country right here in Arkansas, but we’ve got to get far too much paperwork off their backs and let them teach. And we must give every parent in Arkansas the equal liberty to choose the very best schools for their children.”

Coleman said he will be releasing his tax and regulatory reform plan in March.

Coleman was the founding CEO and President of Safe Foods Corporation, an international food safety company headquartered in North Little Rock. While CEO of Safe Foods Corp., he frequently lectured on team building and servant leadership for the University of Arkansas’ Sam M. Walton School of Business Emerging Leaders program. In 2010, he founded The Institute for Constitutional Policy.