Harding University Lecture Series Continues with Lt. Col. Dave Grossman

Retired Lt. Col. Dave Grossman of the U.S. Army will continue the 2013-14 Harding University American Studies Institute Distinguished Lecture Series Thursday, Feb. 13 at 7:30 p.m. in Benson Auditorium.

Grossman is an internationally recognized scholar, author, soldier and speaker, and he is an expert in the field of human aggression and the sources of violence and crime. Grossman has taught at West Point as a psychology and military science professor and has combined his experiences to create a new field of scientific study termed “killology.” With breakthrough contributions, Grossman has shared information on the understanding of killing in war, the psychological expense of war, the causes of the current “virus” of violent crime, and the process of healing the victims of violence in war and peace.

Grossman will deliver his message titled “Stop Teaching Our Kids to Kill.” Open seating — no ticket necessary. For more information, contact the American Studies Institute at 501-279-4497.

Dr. Ben Carson will conclude the lecture series, Tuesday, March 18.

Harding is the largest private university in Arkansas with 6,295 students. The University also maintains campuses in Australia, Chile, England, France, Greece, Italy and Zambia. For more information visit www.harding.edu.