Holy Sews Announces Plans for Jolly Jammies Jamboree, New Board Members

Holy Sews, Inc., a non-profit organization dedicated  to offering support to those experiencing perinatal bereavement, has  announced its inaugural board of directors, and has set its annual benefit,  the Jolly Jammies Jamboree, for Dec. 7.

Board members include:  Regina Binz, Mary Sue Whitelaw, Nancy Bynum-Mack,  Mark Thomas, Drew May, Donna Bressinck, Dr. Whit Hall, Dr. Mick Tilford,  Kelly Halstead, Katherina Yancy, Bryan Robinson, Cindy Stabnick, Bruce  Saad, Julie Moretz and Lisa Grummer.

“We are honored that so many community leaders recognize the importance  of Holy Sews’ mission and have stepped up to offer their expertise,”  said Regina Binz, president of the board and founder of Holy Sews, Inc. “The general public  tends not to realize how many people have been affected by pregnancy  loss or stillbirth. Holy Sews hopes to change that so families don’t  have to sweep their infant’s death under the rug and pretend it never  happened. It’s real loss and real grief.”

Jolly Jammies Jamboree, held in the Allen Center on the campus of  Our Lady of the Holy Souls Catholic Church in Little Rock, will feature  a silent auction, local vendors selling gift items, photos with Santa  Claus, food, drink, games and more. Attendees are invited to wear their  Christmas pajamas for the evening of celebration. KATV Channel 7’s  Katherina Yancy and Holy Sews’ Bruce Saad will serve as emcees.  Doors  will open at 5 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 7, and tickets may be purchased  in advance through the website www.holysews.org.

Responding to a call to serve as God’s hands in the world, the Holy Sews, Inc. exists:

– to show compassion to families experiencing the perinatal death  of a child;

– to provide handmade layettes to treasure these infants who are too  small for even preemie clothing; and

– to educate communities in caring for families experiencing perinatal  bereavement.

Begun as a ministry of Our Lady of the Holy Souls Catholic Church,  Holy Sews is now an independent 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that  includes members from a variety of faith backgrounds, and offers services  to bereaved families regardless of religious preference. With the help  of its volunteers, Holy Sews has provided over 2000 layettes  to hospitals in Arkansas at no charge.