Secretary Martin Announces A Century of Service April 26-27

Secretary Martin Announces Plans for “A Century of Service” Celebration April 26-27

Little Rock, Ark. – Arkansas Secretary of State Mark Martin announced plans for The Centennial Celebration – “A Century of Service at the Arkansas State Capitol” to be held April 26-27, 2011, at the State Capitol.  The event is being held in recognition of the first legislators who assembled at the Capitol 100 years ago to serve Arkansans.

“This will be a special time to honor the past that connects us, inspire those who currently serve us, and guide the generations to come,” Secretary Martin said.  “The history of the State Capitol is more than just bricks and mortar; it’s about the people who have walked these halls.”

The events will include recognition of members of the 88th General Assembly and legislators from the past along with period music, vintage cars, a look-back-in-time silent film, and a time capsule for the future.  The public will also enjoy a rare opportunity to use the Capitol’s prized Tiffany bronze doors that will be opened during the ceremonies. The Department of Arkansas Heritage and the History Commission have provided items which will help capture the 1911 spirit.