Senator Tom Cotton Statement on Obama Administration’s $1.7 billion Payment to Iran

Washington, D.C.— Senator Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas) today released the following statement on reports the Obama Administration paid $1.7 billion to Iran prior to the release of four American hostages earlier this year:
“If this report is confirmed, Americans will face the reality that they live in world where Iran’s terrorist proxies have access to $1.3 billion more in untraceable cash, on top of the $400 million cash payment the administration has already confirmed.  It’s no wonder that the administration has fought so hard to keep the nature and timing of the cash transfers secret.  The payment of cash ransoms to the world’s worst state sponsor of terror encourages the hostage-taking of more innocent Americans and fuels Iran’s terror plots. It’s long past time for the president to stop stonewalling on these ransom payments and start being straight with the American people about the dangerous concessions he’s made to the ayatollahs.”