Van Buren County TEA Coalition Town Hall Meeting April 19

Title: Van Buren County TEA Coalition Town Hall Meeting April 19
Location: Clinton High School Cafeteria, Clinton, AR
Description: The TEA Coalition will be hosting a Town Hall Meeting on Tuesday, April 19th, beginning at 6:00P.M. at the Clinton High School Cafeteria. The town hall meeting will provide community members the opportunity to address social issues faced by our county. The night
will begin with presentations from a panel of community professionals representing the Van Buren County Sheriff’s Department, 20th Judicial Prosecuting Atty, as well as others that work within the prevention and health field. In addition to the discussions the results from our latest Arkansas Prevention Needs assessment will be presented. Snacks and drinks will be available and door prizes will be given throughout the evening. This is a wonderful opportunity to get involved with the
well being of your community. For more information call Kerri Tindall at 501-745-7004 ext 103.
Start Time: 180000
Date: 2011-04-19