Citizens Bank of Batesville Employees Add More Bucks to ‘Stuff the Bus’ and ‘Best Foot Forward’ Campaigns

BATESVILLE – August 4, 2014 – Deanna Green, Executive Director of Director of the United Way of Independence County, recently met with employees of Citizens Bank as her organization became the latest recipient of a $500 contribution from the bank employees’ “Blue Jeans Fund.”

Green said the Citizens Bank donation was effectively doubled as it triggered a matching challenge from the John Herman Hickman Foundation of Peco Foods, which already had pledged a $500 donation and issued the matching challenge for an additional $500.  The Citizens Bank Blue Jeans Fund met the challenge.

The Blue Jeans Fund now has surpassed $8,000 in financial support to worthwhile causes and charitable organizations in the past two years.  Money in the fund accumulates as employees donate $1 per week to be allowed to wear blue jeans to work on Fridays.  Each time the fund reaches $500, bank employees select another charity to receive a donation.

United Way, Citizens Bank and the Wood Family of Dealerships this past weekend held their primary “Stuff the Bus” and “Best Food Forward” collections of school supplies and new athletic shoes to ensure that every child in Independence County and Cave City is properly equipped to go back to school.  On Saturday, school buses were located at Walmart in Batesville, Walmart in Ash Flat and the Stanley Wood Dealership in Southside to receive donations.

Scott Wood and Staff pose for a picture at the Wood Family Dealerships in Batesville

Scott Wood and Staff pose for a picture at the Wood Family Dealerships in Batesville

Contributions of school supplies and athletic shoes will continue to be accepted through Wednesday, Aug. 6, at Citizens Bank locations in Batesville, Cave City and Pleasant Plains; at both Wood Family Dealerships in Batesville; and at Anytime Fitness and Maurice’s in Batesville.  Cash donations also will be accepted at all collection points.


MORE BANG FOR THE ‘BUS’ – Citizens Bank employees surround Deanna Green of the United Way to celebrate the latest $500 charitable contribution by the bank employees’ Blue Jeans Fund.  (Deanna is standing just behind the word “AND” on the banner.) (Citizens Bank employees are left to right) Scott Shelby, Karen Shaw, Duska Carter, Eva Henriksen, Alan Lawrence, Wendy Howard, Greg Shaver, Rhonda Woods, Deanna Green, Cliff Brown, Kim Schreiner, Jasmine Rounds, Halie Miller, Janelle Shell and Angela Wilcoxon.

MORE BANG FOR THE ‘BUS’ – Citizens Bank employees surround Deanna Green of the United Way to celebrate the latest $500 charitable contribution by the bank employees’ Blue Jeans Fund. (Deanna is standing just behind the word “AND” on the banner.) (Citizens Bank employees are left to right) Scott Shelby, Karen Shaw, Duska Carter, Eva Henriksen, Alan Lawrence, Wendy Howard, Greg Shaver, Rhonda Woods, Deanna Green, Cliff Brown, Kim Schreiner, Jasmine Rounds, Halie Miller, Janelle Shell and Angela Wilcoxon.