4,383 active cases of COVID-19 with 182 Total Deaths in Arkansas as of 1:30 pm Monday, June 15, 2020

COVID-19 Update Confirm confirm 4,383 active cases 8,352 recovered, for a total of 12,917 total Confirmed Cases with 182 Total Deaths.

At the time of this press conference, a total of 206 are Hospitalized, 45 ICU Patients, as of 4:10 pm as of June 15, 2020.

Notes from Monday’s News Conference 6-15-2020

7,063 Test given in the past 24 hours

1st Executive Order
June 15, 2020
Workers Compensation Coverage
Assures workers compensation coverage for employees
COVID-19 is considered an occupational disease under the law
COVID-19 shall be an exception to the prohibition on compensation for ordinary diseases of life.

There must be a causal connection between employment and the disease.
Extends during the public health emergency.

2nd Executive Order
June 15, 2020
Medical Immunity
Health care workers and providers are authorized to use crisis standards of care to respond to treat COVID-19 patients
the health care providers as emergency workers are immune from civil liability
Immunity does not extend to willful, reckless or intentional misconduct
Immunity is during the public health emergency

3rd Executive Order
June 15, 2020
Business Liability
All businesses and their employees shall be immune from civil liability as a result of exposure to COVID-19
Immunity does not apply to willful, reckless or intentional misconduct
A presumption that the actions are not willful or reckless if the business owner substantially complies with public health directives
Immunity does not extend to worker compensation benefits
Immunity is effective from today until the emergency is terminated

Counties with COVID-19 cases: broke out as total active (Counties Ranked by Active Cases), then by total positive, total negative, total recoveries and deaths in the Timeless 106.1 KFFB listening area (as of 1:30 pm on Monday, June 15, 2020):

Pulaski County Active Positive: 298, Total Positive: 1,302, Recovered: 962, Deaths: 42, Negatives: 20,403

Pope County Active Positive: 97, Total Positive: 281, Recovered: 182, Deaths: 2, Negatives: 3,398

Faulkner County Active Positive: 63, Total Positive: 172, Recovered: 106, Deaths: 3, Negatives: 4,737

Lonoke County Active Positive: 15, Total Positive: 73, Recovered: 58, Deaths: 0, Negatives: 2,633

White County Active Positive: 12, Total Positive: 59, Recovered: 46, Deaths: 1, Negatives: 2,460

Jackson County Active Positive: 10, Total Positive: 16, Recovered: 6, Deaths: 0, Negatives: 594

Conway County Active Positive: 8, Total Positive: 24, Recovered: 14, Deaths: 2, Negatives: 862

Independence Active Positive: 7, Total Positive: 42, Recovered: 35, Deaths: 0, Negatives: 1,647

Sharp County Active Positive: 4, Total Positive: 50, Recovered: 43, Deaths: 3, Negatives: 720

Baxter County Active Positive: 2, Total Positive: 14, Recovered: 12, Deaths: 0, Negatives: 1,365

Stone County Active Positive: 2, Total Positive: 11, Recovered: 9, Deaths: 0, Negatives: 575

Fulton County Active Positive: 2, Total Positive: 9, Recovered: 7, Deaths: 0, Negatives: 609

Van Buren County Active Positive: 1, Total Positive: 30, Recovered: 27, Deaths: 2, Negatives: 750

Izard County Active Positive: 1, Total Positive: 20, Recovered: 18, Deaths: 1, Negatives: 499

Cleburne County Active Positive: 1, Total Positive: 75, Recovered: 70, Deaths: 4, Negatives: 1,143

Searcy County Active Positive: 0, Total Positive: 7, Recovered: 7, Deaths: 0, Negatives: 641

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Notes from past News Conferences

New website for unemployment ARunemployment.com (Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) Email Alert System scan me code on the new website)

Schools will remain closed for the remainder of the School year, no in-school instruction, Sr’s will graduate, AMI will be continuing,  for 2019-2020 school year

Dr. Smith encouraging folks to be outside because of ultraviolet light decreases transmission for a wide variety of germs

If you are unemployed text the word, “unemployment” to 501-376-1111

ADH has activated a call center to answer questions from health care providers and the public about the novel coronavirus. During normal business hours (8:00 am – 4:30 pm), urgent and non-urgent calls, please call 1-800-803-7847 or email ADH.CoronaVirus@arkansas.gov. After normal business hours and weekend calls, needing immediate response, please call 1-800-554-5738.


Watch today’s News Conference 6-15-2020