A Cinderella Prom for the girls and boys of Cleburne County

The Rotary Club of Cleburne County has a new community project a Cinderella Prom for the girls and boys of Cleburne County to be able to go to Prom in a nice suit or dress.

If you have a dress or a suit or ties or shoes that you would like to donate call Rena` Kelley at 501-362-1270. 

Your Donations need to be cleaned before you drop them off, and the girls or boys will get to keep them after the prom is over.

You can drop off your donations at the ASU Heber Springs Adult Education Classroom to Rena` Kelley, room 100 (Latimer Center-old ASU building), or at the Heber Springs High School to Dana Patton, or at the consignment store by Fred’s to Shelly Gorman, just let her know the items are for the Cinderella Prom. 

You can also call Rena` Kelley at 501-362-1270 for a pick up.
Donations need to be in by April 8th.
You may also call Rena’ if you know someone that needs a dress or suit.