‘A Merry Muppet Holiday Celebration’ Rescheduled

‘A Merry Muppet Holiday Celebration’ has been rescheduled for Friday, Dec. 13 starting at 4:30 p.m. in the Lobby of the John E. Miller Education Complex, located at 218 College Dr. in Melbourne.

This event is free and open to the public.

This year’s movie will be ‘A Muppet Christmas Carol,’ and will begin at 6 p.m.

“This is easily one of our favorite events to plan each year at Ozarka College,” said Suellen Davidson, director of advancement. “It is such a joy
to see the excitement in the kids’ eyes when they see Santa and we truly enjoy giving back to our communities. I hope everyone will join us in
celebrating the holiday season.”

Santa will be stopping by for photos and gifts and children will have the opportunity to write and send letters to the North Pole, stock up on reindeer food and hear traditional holiday stories read under the tree. Refreshments will once again be served by the Ozarka College Culinary Arts Department under the supervision of Executive Chef Lou Rice.

For more information about this event, please contact Davidson at 870-368-2059 or by email at sdavidson@ozarka.edu.