Annual Rotary Award Banquet Accepting Nominees

We are looking for nominees from our area in the five areas listed below. The winners will be awarded at our Annual Rotary Award Banquet.

Please submit all nominations by June 1, 2020 to:
or mail to
Rotary Club of Batesville
Attn: Amanda Dickey/Community Awards
2121 Harrison St.
Batesville, AR 72501

Making A Difference Service Award: Honor persons who are making significant contributions to our community through their time, actions, talents and dedication. The honoree selected should serve as a role model for compassions, and service and be striving to make our world a better place with a passion for helping others in our community.

Doctor/Nurse/Care Worker of the Year Award: This award is open to any doctor, nurse, or care worker who has shown they go beyond the call of duty. Someone who has gone the extra mile, improved treatment or care, and whos work has affected others around them.

.Outstanding Community Service Award: This award is for a person who has made a dramatic impact on our community. Someone who has gone the extra mile to help improve someone’s quality of life or helped by giving assistance to projects or causes in our area.

Educator of the Year: This award is for a teacher who goes out of their way to support their students. This person cares deeply for their pupils and it shows through all their actions.

Role Model of the Year: This award is aimed at a Public Servant such as a policeman, fire-fighter, paramedic, or first responder who goes beyond the call of duty.