ARDOT Unveils Newer, More User-Friendly Website

The Arkansas Department of Transportation (ARDOT) is proud to announce the new and improved website.

Citizens will find a new look and new functionality to the Department’s website. The new look makes it easier than ever to connect with all 10 Districts and 23 Divisions while providing easy access to the work each group performs for the State. 

“We are confident this new website will allow the public to stay even more informed about ARDOT and all the work we do for the people of Arkansas and for those who drive our highways and bridges”, says ARDOT Director Lorie Tudor. “As Director, I look forward to hearing from the public about this new tool and all that it offers.”

Created with the user experience in mind, the site includes new features to help users quickly and easily navigate the site and find what they need. New features include:

  • Streamlined menus and submenus for District and Division specific information.
  • Filters for News and Event Feeds to allow quicker access to relevant items.
  • Embedded tables that can be expanded for more detailed information available at a single click.

The previous version was created in 2007 and while the site was updated daily to serve the needs of the public, the website had reached the point of needing an entire rebuild for both user friendliness and technical functions.