Batesville School District’s Home Visiting Office to host Safety BabyShower

The Batesville School District’s Home Visiting Office to host Safety BabyShower. This event will take place from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. July 27 at the Batesville Preschool, 650 Vine Street, Batesville. This event is the only one of its kind in Independence County, and it is one of several hosted by our home visiting program throughout the year.

This baby shower is free and is open to women who are pregnant or have a child under 6 months. There will be lots o fgreat gifts and treats but those attending must RSVP to reserve a spot. Families can receive car seats, pack & plays, and more. Our home visiting office uses two evidenced-based models to deliver home visits to families. Both Parents as Teachers &Save The Children are leaders in the field of early childhood.

 Our office is extensive, with a staff of 14, many of whom are bilingual, serving pre-natal to age 5, with programs for pregnant women, teenage mothers and mothers of all ages, fathers, grandparents serving as parents, and more.  For more information, contact Lorrie McClure, program coordinator, at 870-793-0627 or