BERRY Welcomes Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis to Arkansas

BERRY Welcomes Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis to Arkansas

Visit to focus on job creation and economic development

This week Congressman Berry will welcome U.S. Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis to Arkansas’s First Congressional District. On Wednesday, June 24th Secretary Solis will tour the Workforce Technology Center at the Mid-South Community College (MSCC) campus in West Memphis, Arkansas.  After the tour, Secretary Solis will meet with local community leaders to discuss how investing in Green Jobs will revitalize the workforce and generate local economic development.

“I am grateful my good friend and former colleague, Secretary Hilda Solis, accepted my invitation to visit our state,” said Berry.  “Secretary Solis has a long track record of standing up for America’s working families in Congress. I am pleased the Administration recognized her work and selected her for this new position where she will continue to help families rebound from this challenging economy through programs like job creation initiatives and additional workforce training.”

Secretary Solis will be traveling throughout the South to learn more and discuss with local leaders about how investing in green jobs will jump-start local economies. She will also announce a $500 Million Competition to train workers for Green Jobs.

“Green jobs offer good wages and clear pathways to prosperity.  They are a critical part of America’s economic future,” said Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis.  “I congratulate Congressman Berry for his commitment to ensuring workers throughout Arkansas will be at the forefront in transforming the way our nation generates electricity, manufactures products, and does business across a wide range of industries.”

“Now more than ever, job training programs operated at the local level with the help of federal funding are playing a larger role in our economic recovery. These new, highly-skilled jobs will strengthen our rural communities and help rebuild a strong middle class. I look forward to working with Secretary Solis in the years to come to help create more jobs and grow our local economy throughout Arkansas,” he said.