Boozman Applauds Congressional Youth Cabinet Participants

U.S. Senator John Boozman (R-AR) wrapped up the second year of his Congressional Youth Cabinet on Friday listening to presentations from 30 high school juniors at the Arkansas State Capitol. The students met with Boozman to share their ideas for legislation regarding workforce development, the opioid epidemic and trade tariffs.

“I am proud of these young leaders for their hard work and dedication to the Congressional Youth Cabinet,” Boozman said. “I have enjoyed visiting with them throughout the school year and was impressed with their policy presentations. I am confident these students will continue to be leaders and doers who give back to their communities. I hope their participation in the Congressional Youth Cabinet is something they can point to as having made a distinct and significant contribution to their development as students and informed, engaged citizens.”

Sean Cunningham attends DeWitt High School. He said, “Being on Senator Boozman’s Youth Cabinet has given me the experience and courage that I will need to make major presentations in my future. I am so thankful for this opportunity, as well as the wonderful people that I got to meet.”

Lily Ryall is a junior at Central High School in Little Rock. She commented on her group’s final assignment saying, “This project has been unlike any other project I’ve ever had to do. But, it’s been challenging in all the best ways! I’ve learned a lot about how to work best in a group, managing my time, and thinking in a bipartisan way.”

Rachel St. Onge attends Northside High School in Fort Smith. “Given the opportunity to participate in Senator Boozman’s Congressional Youth Cabinet has been an honor,” St. Onge said. “Within the cabinet you learn how to step up and become a leader as well as getting to know students across Arkansas. It is a wonderful opportunity to learn how the government works and understanding the issues that the states face.”

Camden Jones attends El Dorado High School. He said, “My experience on this council has taught me the importance of being politically informed, and gotten me more involved in my community.”

The Congressional Youth Cabinet is designed to give students first-hand experience in the democratic process and a chance to understand how public policy impacts them, their families and their communities. The students selected issues to address at their first meeting and worked in teams divided by congressional district throughout the year. In addition to policy suggestions, the students had to describe how their proposal would be funded and implemented.