Boozman Applauds Inclusion of Funds to Ensure Certainty, Predictability for Farmers and Ranchers in Bill to Avoid Shutdown

The House’s initial version of the bill—which Congress needs to pass to avert a government shutdown—did not include the CCC reimbursement. This was a break from previous funding bills, which always included provisions to ensure critical Farm Bill programs are implemented.

Boozman and his colleagues on the Senate Agriculture Committee worked with House Republicans to successfully push for inclusion of the CCC reimbursement in a revised version of the bill.

“We are here today to commend our Republican leadership for forging a bipartisan compromise on a continuing resolution to avoid a government shutdown. And in particular, I’m so pleased that we reached an agreement that included full reimbursement to the Commodity Credit Corporation. For decades, the CCC has been routinely reimbursed without fanfare, but unfortunately, not so this year,” Boozman said. “Our farmers and ranchers have faced more than enough challenges this year – extreme weather events, low commodity prices, market volatility, a global pandemic and the list just goes on and on and on. They don’t need Washington to make things even more difficult.”

Click here to watch Boozman’s remarks

Boozman received praise for his efforts from Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) who said on the Senate floor “Thanks to the leadership of our colleagues Senator (Joni) Ernst, along with Senators (John) Hoeven, Boozman and many other Republicans colleagues, we made it clear right away that we would not let Democrats leave farmers behind.”