Causey Endorsed by the National Education Association

JONESBORO—The National Education Association, representing teachers and educational staff, announced their endorsement of Chad Causey for Congress on Thursday. 

“Chad Causey believes that we have to reform the misguided policies and unfunded mandates of No Child Left Behind. Causey is a strong proponent of incentives that attract new teachers to rural school districts,” said Arkansas Education Association President Donna Morey.

“I’m so thankful to have the support of our public school educators,” Causey said.  “My mother, Gussi Causey, has worked in Jonesboro Public Schools for over 30 years.  She taught me the importance of a solid education and I’ll never forget that.”

“We can only get our economy moving again with a strong, educated workforce,” Causey continued.  “For the past nine years, I have worked with our local schools, community colleges and two and four year colleges to secure the resources they need to create new opportunities here in the First District.”