Chambers Singers to perform holiday dinner concert at Harding University Dec 5

Title: Chambers Singers to perform holiday dinner concert at Harding University Dec 5
Location: Harding University Searcy
Description: The Harding University Chamber Singers will perform
their fourth annual holiday concert Dec. 5 including appetizers and
dinner provided by Classic Fare Catering.

The event starts at 6 p.m. in the Heritage Inn lobby on campus, where
guests will enjoy light appetizers and fellowship before the meal.
Concert attendees will then transition upstairs to Cone Chapel for
dinner and the performance while overlooking the Christmas lights
decorating the front lawn.

Tickets for the event are $17 each and can be purchased by calling the
Classic Fare Catering office at 501-279-4231. Tickets must be
purchased by Thursday, Dec. 2. Cash, check, VISA and Mastercard are
all accepted as methods of payment. Large groups are welcomed and
frequently make reservations to sit together at the concert.
Start Time: 180000
Date: 2010-12-05