Clinton High School EAST Class Receives Grant Money For Local Project



The EAST (Environmental and Spatial Technology) program at Clinton High School has received a $5,000 grant from BHP Billiton Petroleum for a student-led project to repair and improve tornado-damaged tennis courts at the Red River Golf Club, a public course in Clinton.

“The students selected the project in the spring and submitted a proposal to BHP Billiton for the work to be done this fall,” said Sandi Jones, grant facilitator. Jones, who is new to the faculty, said she has already begun talking with students to get the project started.

EAST is an educational model focusing on student-driven service projects accomplished by using teamwork and cutting-edge technology. Students identify problems in their local communities and then use these tools to develop solutions, collaborating with civic and other groups in the process.

“We enjoy working with students who want to improve their schools and their communities,” said Danny Games, external affairs manager for BHP Billiton. “It makes a difference in their lives and in the life of their community.”

A BHP Billiton employee will act as a mentor to assist and provide guidance to help EAST students achieve their goal.

Each year, Arkansas students complete a minimum of 1.5 million service hours with an economic impact of at least $15 million, according to EAST.

Other EAST schools to receive donations from BHP Billiton are:

• Greenbrier High School

• Rose Bud High School

• Searcy High School

• Wonderview High School

About the EAST Initiative

The non-profit EAST Initiative works with schools and institutions across the country to establish and implement local EAST programs, equipping classrooms, training facilitators and providing technical training for students. The EAST® method has been named a model by the United States Departments of Education and Labor and has proven, research-based results

PHOTO (L to R): Sandi Jones, Clinton EAST Facilitator; Burtie Harder, former facilitator; Nichole Sykes; C