Congressman French Hill’s Office has issued a Urgent Request for Healthcare-Related Items

At this time, as you no doubt are aware, the critical needs in dealing with COVID-19 are for healthcare-related items, including (but not limited to):
•      Personal protective equipment
•      Facemasks
•      Hand sanitizer
•      Cotton swabs for testing kits
•      Reagents for testing kits
We already have heard stories of Arkansas manufacturers’ redirecting production towards these items – including Rock Town Distillery in Little Rock starting to produce hand sanitizer after a call from our office.
If one of your members thinks they might be able to produce any of these items, we are able to connect them with the correct federal agencies for further discussion.
If your company can help with this, please contact Matt Karvelas at or A. Brooke Bennett at
Thank you for your dedication to Arkansas.
For additional information and resources, check our COVID-19 Coronavirus and Arkansas page here.