Free memorial day hike Saturday May 29th at South Fork

(Above) Bob and Kay Verboon will lead a night hike on Saturday, May 29th, at South Fork Nature Center. (photo by Joyce Hartmann)
A free memorial day hike will be held on Saturday May 29th, from 7:45 p.m. until 10:00 at the South Fork Nature Center, Choctaw. 

 Participants will meet just before sunset in front of the log cabin for campfire-roasted marshmallows, soft drinks, and a brief introduction to South Fork Nature Center and the Riddle Cabin.

Docents Kay and Bob Verboon will lead the group along a one-mile trail through the woods and along low bluffs of Greer’s Ferry Lake. Kay is a former park ranger at a Louisiana state prehistoric Indian site. Bob’s background includes science, agriculture, and taxidermy; he teaches in the Clinton School District.

Kay says, “You’ll meet your nocturnal neighbors, and use your senses of smell, hearing, and touch to get an understanding of how these animals see in the dark. Also, you’ll find out how you can see a spider but not see a spider.”

Participants should bring flashlights. If you have one with a red light, that is ideal to maintain better night vision; if you don’t, red cellophane will be provided for everyone to use. Wear good sturdy walking shoes; white ones are easier to see in the dark if you’re following someone. The trail is flat and relatively easy, but some hikers might like to bring walking sticks for added security.

To get to the Nature Center, take U.S. Highway 65 south of Clinton and turn East at Highway 330 in Choctaw. Drive about 3 ½ miles and turn left on Klondike Rd., just before the blue boat storage building. Drive north about 1 mile to the gate; it has an entrance and a large stone sign. Turn right through the gate and drive less than 1/2 mile to the cabin; follow the signs past the private homes.

Do something different this Memorial weekend. Find out what’s in the woods at night. To reserve a place on the night hike, call or leave a message with Carol Corning, Executive Director of the Gates Rogers Foundation, at 745-6444