Governor Mike Huckabee supports Scott Wallace For Congress

Josh Kraushaar – Politico

The Republican establishment in Washington might be lining up behind former U.S. Attorney Tim Griffin in the race to succeed Rep. Vic Snyder (D-Ark.) but former presidential candidate Mike Huckabee is throwing his support behind underdog Scott Wallace.

Wallace, the owner of a Little Rock restaurant, has lagged behind Griffin in fundraising in the GOP primary contest and hasn’t been courted by the National Republican Congressional Committee since entering the race.

But he has won an enthusiastic endorsement from Huckabee, a former Arkansas governor, who wasted no time contrasting Griffin’s past political work in Washington with Wallace’s lifelong Little Rock roots.

“The best way to have a Republican representing Arkansas’ 2nd District is to have a candidate who has deep roots in the district and who has lived here, been educated here, run businesses and employed people here, raised a family here, and has long standing ties and investments here,” Huckabee said in a statement.
“I believe Scott’s personal experience in real-world business and his deep ties to the district make him the strongest candidate for November.”

Griffin has been touted as one of the leading House Republican candidates for the midterms, and has received top billing on the National Republican Congressional Committee’s list of “Young Gun” recruits. In a show of national GOP support for Griffin, House Minority Whip Eric Cantor (D-Va.) traveled to Little Rock yesterday to campaign and raise money for Griffin.

Griffin worked as an opposition research specialist for President Bush’s first presidential campaign and in Karl Rove’s political shop for Bush’s second term

In a statement on his Facebook page yesterday attacking Cantor’s visit, Wallace framed the race as one between Washington special interests and down-home Arkansas values.

“Politicians in Wash DC can raise all the money they want for my opponent because Washington politicians will not decide this race—the people of Arkansas will,” Wallace wrote. “My candidacy is for the people of Arkansas, and I will not be indebted to Wash DC interests.”