Griffin Co-Sponsors Repeal Bill Says reforms needed, ‘job-killing’ law needs replacement

WASHINGTON – Congressman Tim Griffin (AR-02) today issued the following statement after becoming a co-sponsor of H.R. 2, the “Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act.”

 “I am proud to co-sponsor legislation to repeal the health care law that was opposed by a majority of Arkansas’s House delegation last year. We need health care reform, but the current law has created uncertainty for employers and spends a trillion dollars we can’t afford. We must repeal the law and replace it with one that lowers costs, preserves the doctor-patient relationship, lets Americans keep the coverage they have, allows the private sector to create jobs and follows the Constitution.”

 The legislation was introduced by Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA).

 Griffin has also co-sponsored H.R. 144, offered by Rep. Dan Lungren (R-CA), which would repeal a specific portion of the health care law requiring business owners to submit a separate 1099 reporting form for every single business-to-business transaction that totals more than $600 in a given year.