Guidance-N-Action at UCA Feb 26

Title: Guidance-N-Action at UCA
Location: UCA Brewer-Hegeman Conference Center, 201 Donaghey Ave.Conway, AR
Link out: Click here
Description: Guidance ~N~ Action is preparation endowed with an infinite affiliation for success. This program is designed to cultivate the traditional stance of public school life to an elevated advancement that involves closing the gap between the children that are celebrated and those that are tolerated. The guiding lights of our mission are to induce students understanding and conceptual outlook of life, develop and maintain greater coping and adaptation skills toward the overall school experience. Children often times steer where they stare, however with proper guidance imparted they can be groomed into being responsible, well rounded adults. Moreover, the vision entails the conception of liberation for every child to push past their immediate environment to reach the climax of possibilities for tomorrow. The program is patterned to transform dreams into reality with the energetic concept of GGL (Go expecting, Get what you came for, and Leave Smiling).

ision vs. Dilemma Benefits of Program:
Addresses academic, personal/social, and career counseling goals Student centered not Counselor/Teacher centered Facilitates the inclusion of students who never participate in extracurricular activities. Enhances school-wide intervention or disciple plan Structured and user friendly program Outcomes of program:

One\’s ability to relate more positive to their peers, parents, and teachers (Personal/Social) Grades increase and behavior decreases (Academic) Self esteem and self-efficacy increases (Personal.Academic) Negative self image decreases early in students who view themselves as bad students (Personal/Social) Increases existing opportunities to explore new arenas of school life through the world of work (Career) Who should attend:

Elementary and Secondary School Counselors Administrators/ Superintendents K-12 Teachers Counselor Education Students (practicum and intern) Curriculum Specialist College Counseling Supervisors

Start Time: 9:00 am
Date: 2010-02-26
End Time: 12:00 noon