Harding University commencement exercises set for December 18

Approximately 350 graduates will receive diplomas at Harding University commencement exercises Saturday, Dec. 18, at 10 a.m. on campus in Benson Auditorium.
Graduates include students from the College of Arts and Humanities, College of Bible and Religion, Paul R. Carter College of Business Administration, College of Communication, Cannon-Clary College of Education, Carr College of Nursing, College of Sciences, and the Honors College, as well as the Physician Assistant Program.
Keynote speaker will be Roy Reaves, chairman and chief executive officer of the Central Division of Liberty Bank of Arkansas.
Reaves, a 1965 Harding graduate, earned an MBA from University of Arkansas and graduated from Stonier Graduate School of Banking in 1975. He started his banking career with National Bank of Commerce in Memphis, Tenn., and left for First National Bank in Searcy in 1971. He has since served as CEO for Arkansas banks in Nashville, Marshall, Gurdon and Russellville. Reaves is a member of the Harding Board of Trustees.