Title: Izard County Historical and Genealogical Society Meeting Jan 8
Location: Izard County Senior Citizen’s Center on Highway 9 south of Brockwell, Arkansas
Description: The Izard County Historical and Genealogical Society will meet for their winter quarterly session on Sunday, January 8, 2012, at the Izard County Senior Citizen’s Center on Highway 9 south of Brockwell, Arkansas, at 2 p.m. The public is invited to attend this free meeting. Refreshments will be served.
A representative of the NorthEast Arkansas Regional Archives at Powhatan will speak to the group. This regional archives, which opened in the Spring of 2011, is a branch of the Arkansas History Commission. The facility includes traditional archival materials as well as Lawrence County government records, which are among Arkansas’s earliest documentary resources. Records from numerous counties in the region are also available on microfilm. Dr. Lisa Perry, Archival Manager of the Powhatan facility, will present an overview of the services offered at that location. She holds undergraduate degrees in Mining Engineering Technology and Management, MA degrees in History and Heritage Studies, and a Ph.D. in Heritage Studies. She has worked in the Archives and Special Collections at Arkansas State University and at the Southern Tenant Farmers Museum in Tyronza, Arkansas.
The keynote speaker will be Steve Saunders, a park interpreter at the Powhatan State Park. His Power Point Presentation, titled Territorial Lawrence to Izard County, will describe the 1815 formation of Lawrence County and its subsequent subdivisions up to the formation of Izard County. As the “Mother of Counties,” Lawrence County was established prior to the creation of Arkansas Territory. Lawrence County encompassed most of north Arkansas, and it was later subdivided into more than thirty modern counties in both Arkansas and Missouri. Steve has been interested in local northeast Arkansas history since childhood in Lawrence County. Those passions were interrupted by the United States Navy, the University of Arkansas, and almost three decades of practicing Architecture. He returned to his roots and joined the staff of Powhatan Historic State Park, where his love of local history is now the focus of his efforts.
Both speakers will be valuable resources for people interested in the history of the area and people doing genealogy research.
The Izard County Historical and Genealogical Society is dedicated to promoting, recounting, publishing, and other wise preserving and disseminating the history of Izard County, Arkansas, and Izard County families. Annual membership dues per calendar year are $20 per member which includes receiving the quarterly publication of the society. Any correspondence and dues may be mailed to ICH&GS at P. O. Box 877, Melbourne, AR 72556
Start Time: 140000
Date: 2012-01-08