Law Enforcement On The Lookout For Drunk Drivers During Labor Day in Arkansas

(LITTLE ROCK) – Colonel Winford E. Phillips, director of the Arkansas
State Police and Governor’s highway safety representative, today
announced the Arkansas Highway Safety Office’s latest statewide drunk
driving prevention enforcement effort.  This crackdown coincides with
the national initiative called “Drunk Driving. Over the Limit. Under
Arrest,” which runs Aug. 21-Sept. 7 for the Labor Day holiday.

During the enforcement wave, law enforcement agencies throughout the
state will be out in force, utilizing sobriety checkpoints and
saturation patrols to reduce the incidence of drunk driving and to
ensure the safety of Arkansas roadways.  Motorists are reminded that
driving with a blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.08 or higher will put
them over the limit and under arrest.

“Too many lives are being lost because of crashes caused by drunk
drivers,” said Phillips.  “This careless disregard for human life must
stop.  To help ensure that happens, members of law enforcement agencies
across the state are dedicated to getting impaired drivers off the road
and saving lives that might otherwise be lost.  Our message is simple.
No matter what you drive – a car, pickup, SUV or motorcycle – drive
sober.  Law enforcement is on the lookout.”

Across the country, every 30 minutes someone dies in an alcohol-related
crash.  Last year alone, more than one million people nationwide were
injured in motor vehicle crashes in which alcohol was a factor.  In 2008
in Arkansas 171 people died in crashes in which the drivers or
motorcycle riders were legally impaired.

Teresa Belew, executive director of the Arkansas Chapter of Mothers
Against Drunk Driving (MADD), said MADD supports the upcoming Labor Day
enforcement crackdown as one of the key initiatives of our Campaign to
Eliminate Drunk Driving.

“Highly publicized, highly visible and frequent sobriety checkpoints are
one of the most effective tools we have to deter drunk driving,” Belew
said.  “Drivers throughout the state should think twice before getting
behind the wheel when intoxicated during this crackdown and throughout
the year.”

“We always expect greater traffic volume over the Labor Day holiday
weekend, and so should every driver,” said Phillips.  “Unfortunately,
when the traffic increases so does the potential for crashes. So all
motorists should make sure they buckle up, obey speed limits and drink
non-alcoholic beverages if they are driving.  Those that don’t should
expect flashing lights in their rear view mirrors, because troopers,
police officers and sheriff’s deputies will be out in force looking for
them and other drivers like them who choose to jeopardize the safety of
our motorists this holiday.”

For more information about drunk driving prevention visit the National
Highway Traffic Safety Administration Web site at, the Mothers
Against Drunk Driving Web site at, or call the Arkansas Highway
Safety Office at (501) 618-8136.