Washington – U.S. Senators Blanche Lincoln and Mark Pryor are proud to anno=
unce that Judge Denzil Price Marshall Jr. will be nominated by President Ob=
ama for the U.S. District Judge for the Eastern District of Arkansas. Judge=
Marshall has served as a judge on the Arkansas Court of Appeals since 2006=
. Before joining the Court of Appeals, Judge Marshall practiced law in Jone=
sboro for 15 years and was a principal with the firm of Barrett and Deacon.
In March, Senators Lincoln and Pryor sent letters to President Obama recomm=
ending nine individuals – including Judge Marshall — for three of Arkansas=
‘s federal district court vacancies. The vacancy for the U.S. District Judg=
e for the Eastern District of Arkansas was created by the Honorable William=
R. Wilson assuming senior status.
“The Eastern District of Arkansas will be well served by a District Judge =
with the experience and sensibilities of Judge Marshall,” Senator Lincoln s=
aid. “His service to the state of Arkansas throughout his legal career has =
distinguished Judge Marshall as an outstanding appellate advocate and a won=
derful candidate for the U.S. District Judge for the Eastern District. His =
involvement in legal organizations, pro bono work and engagement in civic a=
ctivities also speak to his dedication to serving Arkansans. I was pleased =
to recommend Judge Marshall and I am proud the President has nominated him =
for this position. I look forward to informing my colleagues of Judge Marsh=
all’s qualifications as his confirmation process moves forward.”
“Judge Marshall represents the best of our legal system,” said Senator Pryo=
r. “As a member of Arkansas Court of Appeals, he consistently exhibits the=
proper judicial temperament and the ability to be fair and impartial, and =
is well-respected in Arkansas’ legal circles. I commend the Administration =
on this strong pick, and I am proud to introduce Judge Marshall to my Senat=
e colleagues and help shepherd his nomination through the confirmation proc=
From 1989-1991, Judge Marshall clerked for U.S. Circuit Judge Richard S. Ar=
nold. Since 2004, Marshall has also served as Reporter for the Arkansas Su=
preme Court Committee on Civil Practice. Judge Marshall received his B.A. i=
n 1985 from Arkansas State University – Jonesboro, where he currently serve=
s as adjunct faculty teaching political science. He earned his M.S. in 198=
6 from the London School of Economics and Political Science and his J.D. in=
1989 from Harvard Law School.
Once nominated by the President, the candidate for a federal judgeship must=
testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee and be confirmed by the Sena=