Local Broadband Stimulus Grants Available

Dear Valued Community Member,

I would like to take this opportunity to cultivate excitement within our state in regard to recently announced ARRA stimulus broadband grant opportunities.  The NTIA and USDA have designated that 4 billion dollars will be available to assist in the creation of connectivity within rural towns throughout the US.  These grants fund the capital expenses to provide broadband availability throughout the winning communities as well as establishing an Internet center within an existing community building (library, community center, etc.) for residents without computers.

In an effort to include your community in the connectivity campaign it is important to show a desire and involvement from community members, businesses, and citizens.  Some of the benefits of bringing advanced broadband technologies to your community;

•    Substantial economic savings to Town Hall/Local Governments and Police/Fire departments because of free high-speed Internet access.  By saving tax dollars from these expenses, these vital tax dollars can be allocated to other important projects.
•    Modern broadband Internet can help fuel local businesses and community awareness by bringing in traffic that would not otherwise have located them due to the lack of Internet infrastructure.
•    Community members will enjoy high-speed Internet to their homes, this allows easy communications with friends and family, online education, children will be able to do research and homework with greater success.

The NTIA and USDA RUS only provided a few short weeks to prepare for this so we apologize for the short notice and hope to receive your support in our efforts to provide affordable quality broadband in your community.  As an Internet provider in our rural areas, I am excited to extend this information in hopes that you and others in the community support this initiative and application for grant monies to build broadband in your community.

Please sign and return the following “Letter of Support”.  This letter is non-committal and non-binding; it simply states that you are in support of broadband for your community.  Simply sign the next page and return to us via FAX or EMAIL by Friday, July 30th  before 5pm at 866.596.0367.

Thank you,
Chris Hackler
Rural Connect

To Whom It May Concern:

Our community, like other small and rural communities, lack access to high-speed Internet service; therefore I am extending my support for Rural Connects application to the broadband stimulus program(s).

Rural Connect has proposed a plan that supports a local economic development and enhancement by the proliferation and enablement of broadband access, including to the core institutions like education, healthcare and public safety.  The services described in the proposal will provide significant benefit to our community.

I understand the need for community support for this project.  In addition to bettering our educational opportunities, access to healthcare resources, telecommuting, online government and community resources and overall improved ability to keep in touch with loved ones and clients alike; our community will be better positioned to attract new and keep existing residents, jobs and businesses.

We look forward to working together in the creation and deployment of affordable, quality broadband Internet access in our community.

I support Rural Connect’s plan to pursue broadband stimulus funding.

Thank you.

Signature: _______________________________________________

Name and Contact: ________________________________________

Business / Organization (optional): ____________________________


1)    SIGN the Document! Include your contact info and local business and/or membership information.

2)    FAX or email us the signed letter to 866.596.0367 by 7/30 at 8PM.

3)    SEND to others in the community!!!

Thank you for your support and efforts to assist in broadband for our communities.  If you have any questions please contact us.

Chris Hackler