Museum to Offer Free Program for Senior Citizens

Old Independence Regional Museum will be offering the 9th in our series of senior programs for 2014. On September 30, Gail Harley will lead a program about Civil War music. Mrs. Harley has been collecting Civil War sheet music for many years. She will discuss with the group about finding the music and the opportunities having such a large collection of sheet music has provided for her. She will have a part of her collection on site for the participants to delve into. The program will begin at 10 a.m. and last for about 30 minutes.

Following this short program, museum volunteer, Frances Mathis will lead participants in creating art with sand. Individuals will receive a bottle and will layer colored sands to create a pattern. “We are so glad to have a consistent group of seniors attending our monthly programs;” said Amanda Nikkel, Humanities Educator, “however, we still have room for more! Give us a call to get your name on the registration list!”

The program schedule for the remainder of 2014 will be:

September 30th – Sand Art
October 28th – Corn Husk Crafts
November 25th – Thanksgiving
December 16th – Christmas Music & Ornaments

This program is free. Space is limited to 15 participants and reservations are required. Please call the museum at 870-793-2121 to reserve your space!

This humanities program is made possible by local support from Independence County and the City of Batesville, as well as by Challenge Grant Endowment funding from the National Endowment of the Humanities. Any views, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this program do not necessarily represent those of the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Old Independence serves a 12-county area: Baxter, Cleburne, Fulton, Independence, Izard, Jackson, Marion, Poinsett, Sharp, Stone, White, and Woodruff. Parts of these present-day counties comprised the original Independence County in 1820s Arkansas territory.