Nancy Glenn Powell Hosted by Faulkner County Library

The Faulkner County Library welcomes award-winning Arkansas author, Nancy Glenn Powell to a book signing on Friday, April 26 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM.

Her latest book, “Where Grass Grows High” tells the story of her ancestor, Samuel Glenn who tries to avoid the looming Civil War by moving his family to Arkansas. He enjoys initial success, and then tragedy follows as the war spreads into Arkansas, and Samuel’s sons make decisions to fight for the Union and the Confederacy. As the war progresses, Samuel and his family face greater and greater hardships, but he as a man of unwavering faith and compassion, and in spite of his own losses, he continues to help the widowed and orphaned.

For more information, call the library at 501-327-7482 or email