Operation Christmas Child


What is Operation Christmas Child?

The Samaritan’s Purse project, Operation Christmas Child collects shoebox gifts—filled with fun toys, school supplies and hygiene items—and delivers them to children in need around the world to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way. For many of these children, the gift-filled shoebox is the first gift they have ever received.
Since 1993, Operation Christmas Child, the world’s largest Christmas project of its kind, has
collected and delivered more than 157 million shoebox gifts to children in more than 160 countries
and territories.

In 2018, Operation Christmas Child hopes to collect enough shoebox gifts to reach another 11
million children in countries like Peru, the Philippines, Rwanda and Ukraine. Nearly 11 million
shoebox gifts were collected worldwide in 2017, with more than 8.8 million collected in the U.S. The Area Goal is 16,017 gift-filled shoeboxes.

How Can YOU Help?

Conway and the surrounding communities have been participating in the collection of these shoebox gifts since 1999. Scores of churches, groups, teams, classes, businesses, families and individuals from our local community have contributed thousands of boxes since 1999.

The entire community is invited to join in this gift giving ministry. The 2018 Collection Week is November 12th- 19th. The drop off location this year is 211 First Baptist Road (Clinton First Baptist Church). Drop off hours are from 10-1 Monday, 8-10AM Tuesday, 10-12 Wednesday, 12-2 Thursday, 9-11 Friday, 0-11 Sat, 12-2 Sunday and 8-10 on the last Monday.

What Do You Pack In A Shoebox?

Anyone can pack a shoebox. Individuals, families, churches and groups fill empty shoeboxes with school supplies, hygiene items and fun toys, such as dolls or soccer balls.

Do Not Include candy; toothpaste; used or damaged items; war-related items such as toy guns, knives or military figures; seeds; chocolate or food; liquids or lotions; medications or vitamins; breakable items, such as snow globes or glass containers; or aerosol cans.


If you are unable to drop off during these times, you are welcome to drop off your shoeboxes at the Central Drop Off Location at 1051 Hogan Lane (Fellowship Bible Church) in Conway.

Also, more information on what to include and what not to include in your shoebox can be found at samaritanspurse.org/occ. Operation Christmas Child suggests a shipping donation of $9. Shipping donations can be made on line on the Samaritan’s Purse website by clicking on the Follow Your Box tab and receive a tracking label to discover its destination.

“This is an exciting week that we plan for all year. We love seeing the faces and hearing the stories of the people who donate shoeboxes each year and we count it as such a privilege to share these gifts with these children in desperate situations!” said Dawn Wilson, Arkansas River Valley Area Coordinator. For more information, in addition to the website, people can contact Dawn Wilson at 501-269-0434.