Pryor Bill to Protect Children from Indecency on TV and Internet Heads to White House

WASHINGTON, DC – Senator Mark Pryor today announced his legislation to hand parents more control over the content their children view on TV and the Internet is headed to the White House for the President’s signature. The Senate passed his legislation Monday evening without objection.

Pryor introduced the Child Safe Viewing Act in February 2007 to expand parents’ ability to protect their children from inappropriate scenes and language online, on television and other viewing devices.  His bill requires the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to fulfill its obligation under the 1996 Telecommunications Act to continuously review and implement blocking technology as it is developed. As part of the 1996 law, Congress required television manufacturers to embed the V-Chip within televisions to allow parents to filter some content according to a rating system. However, the FCC has failed to act since then.