Right to Life Endorses Rapert for State Senate

Little Rock, AR – Today, Arkansas Right to Life (ARTL) announced its support for Jason Rapert, candidate for the open State Senate seat in District 18.

ARTL is a non-profit public service organization which supports a Human Life Amendment to the U.S. Constitution offering legal protection of all human beings and to take constructive citizen action to protect human lives.

“We are proud to offer our public support to Jason Rapert,” said Rose Mimms, Executive Director of the ARTL. “After thorough conversation and examination of his stance on the life issue, we are convinced that he will be an outspoken advocate for the rights of the unborn and all human beings.”

ARTL believes that the legal protection of the right to life of innocent human beings is the basic issue upon which all other issues of human rights and justice depend.

Rapert said: “I am a proud father of two beautiful daughters, and I thank God for them every day. As an ordained minister, I have spent my whole life devoted to the celebration of life, and I consider it a moral duty to protect those who cannot protect themselves. Abortion is one of the great ills of our society. As a State Senator for District 18, I will honor the ARTL’s mission to work for alternatives to abortion and seek humane solutions to the problems of those who seek abortion.”

The ARTL endorsement is one of several recent statements of official support for Rapert. In the past 2 ½ months, 5 state legislators and former Arkansas Governor, Mike Huckabee have all publicly backed the 38 year-old Bigelow, AR resident.