SBA Economic Injury Emergency Loan Program

COVID-19 Business Resources



In order to receive an economic injury declaration, Arkansas must show that small businesses within individual counties have suffered substantial economic injury as a result of the disaster, and are in need of financial assistance not otherwise available on reasonable terms. The method to determine the impacts of the disaster is through the collection of Economic Injury Disaster Loan worksheets. These worksheets provide an estimated economic impact of each business affected.

The Estimated Adverse Economic Impact Section of the (Economic Injury Worksheet) needs to be fully completed, with all questions answered regarding business revenues, whether there was any business interruption insurance, as well as the comments section. The comments section should indicate that the economic impacts are a direct result of COVID-19. The established incident start date is January 31, 2020. The completion of this worksheet is not an application for an SBA loan; however, the completion and submittal of the worksheet to the Arkansas Division of Emergency Management will assist the state in receiving a declaration from SBA.

Please return the completed form to the Arkansas Division of Emergency Management at The timely submission of the worksheets will assist in a timely SBA declaration of each county. Once a declaration is made for designated areas within the state, the information on the application process for Economic Injury Disaster Loan assistance will be made available to all affected communities as well as updated on the SBA and ADEM websites. Please send any questions and completed worksheets you may have to

Arkansas Small Business & Technology Development Center (ASBTDC)
ASBTDC is gearing up to be set up as a virtual emergency site to help with disaster relief lending. For more information on ASTBC, please see where they will be putting more information disaster funding assistance. You can also call ASBTDC at 1-800-862-2040 or e-mail at

Arkansas Department of Health Guidance for Employers
If any of your employees are being monitored due to their possible exposure to coronavirus disease 2019, also referred to as COVID-19, they will be placed under home self-quarantine by the Arkansas Department of Health (ADH) for 14 days after leaving an area of concern. The areas of concern include any country with a Level 2 or higher travel advisory. If this occurs, ADH will provide the person with a letter, and they have the option of requesting a letter be provided to you as well. This letter provides additional information regarding the quarantine, including the date the employee can return to work.

During this time, the person is expected to stay home during the entire 14-day period and not leave for any reason, except to seek any needed medical care.

If the employee does not develop symptoms of COVID-19 prior to the end of the self-quarantine period, they will be free to resume normal activities, including school or work. They will also receive a letter stating they have completed the home quarantine period. Please call the Arkansas Department of Health at 800.803.7847 if you have any questions.

COVID-19 Guidance for Employers

Coronavirus Resource Page – Arkansas State Chamber of Commerce/Associated Industries of Arkansas


National Association of Manufacturers: Coronavirus Resources

CDC – What You Need to Know

CDC – What to Do If You are Sick

CDC – Stop the Spread of Germs

U.S. Chamber – Guidance for Employers

OSHA – Guidance on Preparing Workplaces for COVID-19