Searching for Happiness the Hard Way New Book by Arkansas Author

In the new book Ma’am (published by Trafford Publishing) Lue Wyatt writes the story of a woman’s plight to find happiness..

Ma’am is the story of an older woman who has lived a life of hard labor, working hard to support her family and putting aside her own needs.

Similar to Alice Walker’s The Color Purple, the protagonist has no name because she speaks for every woman across the globe, known only as “Ma’am.” She was a woman that not only worked hard, but loved as well. Raised in poverty and marrying young with children she did the only thing she knew, work. Later in life, due to circumstances that happen to many women, she adopted five grandchildren.

She had forgotten about her own personal life – her needs and desires falling to the wayside. Youth had slipped away, and time had forgotten her. Ma’am finds herself looking into the bathroom mirror one morning, and discovers the answer – talking to her reflection, she finds peace of mind.

Depressed turning away from the mirror, the woman shuddered clutching her robe tighter around her she paused, turned, and looking intently at the reflection. Crying softly to herself, “Oh God why? Is there nothing to be done? There must be something I can do?” And looking into the mirror, she knew.

Ma’am, will you move over please? You’re blocking my view. I know I’m in this mirror somewhere. Please come out from where ever you are. It has been many years since I’ve seen you and I’ve missed you so.

 “I’ve tried to describe how a woman would react under these stressful circumstances in which she finds herself,” explains Wyatt. “The adventures of a woman, and Ma’am, are at times hilarious, but also truthful…but again, it is all part of life’s story.”

 About the Author

Lue Wyatt was raised on a farm. She is widowed and has four children and five adopted grandchildren. She lives in Arkansas with kids, dogs, and cats.

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