Senator Lincoln: More Lies, Still No Answers from Bill Halter

Little Rock – Bill Halter continues his campaign of more lies about Senator Lincoln’s record and no personal accountability for his own record, Sen. Blanche Lincoln’s campaign said today.

“The same day Bill attacks Sen. Lincoln’s vote on TARP, a new article appears in Arkansas where he refuses to say how he would have voted on the same legislation,”  Lincoln campaign manager Steve Patterson said. “Even a good Monday Morning Quarterback will say what call he would have made if put in the same position.  Arkansas voters will always know where Senator Lincoln stands.” 

On two separate occasions in the past week, Halter has refused to answer how he would have voted on TARP, while at the same time attacking Sen. Lincoln for her vote. 

Meanwhile, Halter’s claim that Sen. Lincoln received campaign contributions from Wall Street institutions while they were under TARP assistance is also false, Patterson said.

“Effective January 1, 2009, Sen. Lincoln’s campaign ceased accepting contributions from executives, employees or Political Action Committees associated with TARP-assisted financial institutions headquartered outside the state of Arkansas,”  Patterson said.  “This policy was instituted to meet the Senator’s request that she not receive political contributions from financial institutions while they are in TARP.  These inconvenient facts dispute Bill’s unfounded attacks.”