Sheriff Scott Bradley announces for re-election for Sheriff of Van Buren County

Sheriff Scott Bradley has announced his intent to run for re-election for Sheriff of Van Buren County. Sheriff Scott Bradley was elected Sheriff in 2002 and began his first term in 2003. Scott lives in Shirley and is a lifelong resident of Van Buren County. Scott has been married to Kim Bradley for 22 years and we have four children. Scott is proud of the things his administration has accomplished over his terms as Sheriff, but is quick to point out that it’s his staff that has made all the difference. If re-elected, Scott will continue to serve diligently and ethically as he has in the past years. Scott has learned a lot while serving the fine people of Van Buren County, and would like to keep putting his experience to work for the betterment of Van Buren County. If re-elected, Scott will continue his effort to fight against drugs and drug crimes throughout the county and will work hard with other elected officials and agencies to get the job done. Sheriff Scott Bradley would personally like to ask for your continued support in the upcoming elections. With your vote and continued support, we can keep our county headed in a positive direction. Please vote to re-elect Scott Bradley for Van Buren County Sheriff.