Statement on Batesville Soldier William C. Yauch, who was killed in Iraq on June 14th, 2010

“I was saddened to hear we have lost an American patriot in combat. Specialist William C. Yauch of Batesville, Arkansas fought with honor for his country, and I hope that all Arkansans will take the time to remember his bravery and the family he leaves behind.”

 “In facing our enemies, we make the greatest demand of our troops to put their lives on the line for our safety. Specialist Yauch was one of those soldiers that answered that duty; out of commitment to the cause and his passion to support his country. It takes an exceptional person to take on that type of responsibility. My prayers are with Yauch’s family, and I hope they find some peace of mind in these dark hours.”  U.S. Representative Marion Berry (AR-01)