The National Weather Service Forecast Office in Little Rock Announces  Arkansas’ Severe Weather Awareness Week 

The National Weather Service Forecast Office in Little Rock is  pleased to announce that the week of February 25th – March 2nd has been designated as Arkansas’ Severe  Weather Awareness Week. This annual event is aimed at increasing public awareness about the dangers of se vere weather and encouraging people to take steps to protect themselves and their property. 

During the week-long event, the National Weather Service Forecast Office in Little Rock will be covering various  aspects of thunderstorm hazards that can cause property damage or place people in danger. Each day will focus  on a different topic, including: 

Sunday, February 25, 2024: Introduction to Severe Weather  

Awareness Week 

Monday, February 26, 2024: Flooding 

Tuesday, February 27, 2024: Lightning 

Wednesday, February 28, 2024: Tornadoes 

Thursday, February 29, 2024: Severe Thunderstorms 

Friday, March 1, 2024: Watches and Warnings 

Saturday, March 2, 2024: Storm Reports 

“We are excited to bring back Arkansas’ Severe Weather Awareness Week for the 2024 season,” said Dennis  Cavanaugh, Warning Coordination Meteorologist from the National Weather Service Office in Little Rock. “Our  goal is to educate and inform the public about the dangers of severe weather and to encourage them to take the  necessary steps to prepare and protect themselves and their property as severe weather approaches.” 

The National Weather Service Forecast Office in Little Rock will be providing daily updates and tips on their  website and social media channels throughout the week.  

For more information on Arkansas’ Severe Weather Awareness Week and how to prepare for severe weather,  please visit the National Weather Service Forecast Office in Little Rock website at or  follow them on social media @NWSLittleRock on Facebook and Twitter, 

Media Contact: Dennis Cavanaugh, Warning Coordination Meteorologist National Weather Service Forecast  Office in Little Rock— phone: 785.727.0865 (cell) email: