Title: Timble Log Cabin Dedication Ceremony in Calico Rock
Description: The 1854 Trimble Log Cabin is being moved to the park across from the Calico Rock Cumberland Presbyterian Church. The Dedication Ceremony will be Saturday, June 12 at the new site on Highway 56 in Calico Rock. The Church will host a luncheon at 11:30 a.m., followed by the dedication at 1:00 p.m. and tours of the cabin. The Izard County Historical and Genealogical Society and local volunteers are dismantling the cabin and rebuilding it at the new location. Anyone planning to attend the luncheon please make reservations with Project Director Wayne Wood 870-297-3931 or mailto:bexarwood@centurytel.net
Date: 2010-06-12
Timble Log Cabin Dedication Ceremony in Calico Rock June 12
June 5, 2010 by