Van Buren County Board of Realtors to Host Food Venue Fundraiser

The Van Buren County Board of Realtors will host the food venue the Fairfield Bay Conference Center during Oktoberfest on October 7th. All proceeds from their food sales will benefit the Clinton and Fairfield Bay Animal Shelters.

From 10:00 am til 7 pm the local realtors from Clinton and the Fairfield Bay will be serving authentic German fare. On the menu will be Grilled Brats, with all the trimmings and for those wanting a more hearty serving, featured dishes are Sauerbraten and Spatzle (German pot roast with German Egg Noodle Dumplings and Apple & Plum Stuffed Pork Tenderloin.

So come on out, support your community and help ensure all our furry friends have a safe and humane environment.