Van Buren County Republicans Meeting in Clinton

Title: Van Buren County Republicans Meeting in Clinton
Description: The will hold their regular monthly event
at the First Service Bank Bldg at 6 p.m. for dinner & 7 p.m. for the meeting.
The menu for dinner consists of chili, relishes, drinks, and dessert. Please
make reservations by calling 745-1136 or 884-6987. John Eves, a retired
Army Reserve Major, a founding member of the National Republican
Hispanic Assoc. in Arkansas, and the current State Chairman of that
organization will be speaking to the inclusion and involvement of Hispanics
in the Republican party. We are extending a special invitation to anyone
in Van Buren County of Hispanic origin. Our meetings are open to the
public and all minorities are welcome. We encourage everyone to register
now to vote in the 2010 elections. Deadline for registering is 30 days
prior to the election date. May 18th is the Primary election and
Registration forms will be available at this meeting.
Date: 2009-11-16