Voluntary Water Conservation asked By Searcy Water and Sewer System

Due to the very hot and dry weather conditions being experienced recently, the Searcy Water Treatment Plant is struggling to keep up with the demand for water throughout the water system. For this reason, the public Is being asked to VOLUNTARILY restrict its use of outdoor watering and conserve as much water as possible until further notice. Some conservation measures would Include:

  1. Not watering lawns, shrubs, plants. trees and gardens between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 pm. as this is the period of the day in which evaporation is the greatest.
  2. When using hose-mounted sprinklers and automated sprinkler systems, please utilize an alternating watering schedule whereby residential and commercial users with even numbered addresses or box numbers water only on even-numbered days, and those with odd-numbered addresses or box numbers water only on odd-numbered days.

Please note that this is only a call for VOLUNTARY water conservation measures at this time. Furthermore, the rural wholesale water systems that purchase water from Searcy are also being asked to request their customers to follow the same conservation guidelines. However, should these voluntary efforts not be enough to allow the water system to maintain adequate tank. Levels and pressures for human consumption and fire protection, mandatory conservation measures will be implemented.

Construction of the new expansion of the Water plant is scheduled to start very soon. Once key parts of the plant expansion are complete, it should be able to produce a larger quantity of water for customers of the system to use even as early as next summer.