Lisa Nunley Collector at VBC League of Women Voters Meeting Feb 11

“If you want to know what happens to your taxes when they’re paid, Lisa will tell you,” said Marjorie LeClair, president of the local League of Women Voters, referencing Lisa Nunley, Van Buren County Collector and featured speaker at the group’s upcoming meeting.

According to LeClair, Nunley will address such things as the tax dollar breakdown, special improvement taxes, assessor penalties, and the allocation of tax revenues to public services (ie: law enforcement, fire protection, animal control, elections, etc.) through the general fund.

The group will meet in the Community Room of the Methodist Church on Dave Creek Parkway in Fairfield Bay, beginning at 6:00pm, Thursday, February 11, 2010, with a casual meet and greet and coffee served.

Nunley will be introduced at 6:30pm and take questions after her presentation.

Beginning at 7:30pm, the LWV will conduct its regular monthly business meeting. Discussion about and plans for the upcoming Voter Education Forum, being hosted by the Clinton Rotary and moderated/coordinated by the League, scheduled for Saturday, March 13 at the VBC Fairgrounds, will be on the agenda.

The League of Women Voters is a non-partisan multi-issue voter advocacy organization which encourages informed participation in government through civic education, candidate forums, study group projects and informational programs on current local, regional and national issues. Programs are open to the public free of charge. For more information contact local LWV president, Marjorie LeClair, 501-745-8727.